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So...some random dude from the U.S.A sends me a Messenger request. I'm hesitant but check it out. Its not the usual Eastern European credit card lady...or the midget porn channel busting for another subscription. Nope, its a bloke, polite and interested in me. I'm thinking its a bit out there... I'm straight as so if you're gay, sorry bro...thanks for the compliments though 😉

I check his FB profile...very very sparse indeed. So, I go back to the Eastern bloc, now they're trying blokes on me instead of sheilas after a few, actually polite but creepy messages from him, I block him.

I go onto FB to see if the profiles been deleted, that's the usual thing. Bugger me dead, he's still there BUT a new post

" Thank God for Everything "

Now I've NEVER had a god botherer come at me on FB EVER! My account is mostly private, friends only. So all I can figure is, my sharing of science and general religion bashing memes and deleting pages by christians on my newsfeed suggestions and joining this wonderful site through FB...has got me my first bible thumper stalker!!!

Wooooohooooooo baby, I'm rolling in it lol.

Bullet6813 4 July 17

Enjoy being online again!

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always good to have a stalker

weeman Level 7 July 17, 2018

At least somebody loves me lol

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