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I didn't think it was possible, but I think I'm getting burned out on zombies. I was on team zombie back in early elementary school, long before they became the cultural phenomenon they are today. Somehow though they feel like they're starting to wear thin. I need a new horror obsession! Suggestions?

Pangolinear 4 July 17

Enjoy being online again!

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Yeah, Netflix is putting up some great, campy, low budget sci-fi disaster stuff. Not much thinking involved, or expense, except for a few extras to scream in the streets and some CGI to paint the sky with smoke or flames as some vague "menace" is approaching.

Throw in some love lorn couple trying to find each other in the chaos, and you have a movie.

Also some inexpensively produced time loop movies, where things keep happening over and over and the only sets needed are only a few blocks of a town. The characters are amusing, though, and you don't have to invest alot of thought.

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