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Why do some people presume to know things about others they can't possibly know? Like how one will react in a certain situation . Women tend to be most guilty of this, I think because they are projecting their fear on others in an attempt to divert it away from themselves. Any thoughts?

HollowMan72 4 Jan 7

Enjoy being online again!

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Oh my. I object to, "women tend to be most guilty of this". Projection is not exclusive to/dominant in either gender. That kind of projection is typically attributed to NPDs and BPDs. Beware of the flashy lures, my friend...

Such defensive behavior coming from such an innocent, harmless statement. It must have struck a nerve.


I think they’re trying to align themselves with certain cultural perspectives keyed to certain groups. For example, men that think women act like they know things about others w/o reliable experience.


Sounded like you just made a presumption about women and how they react.

Duke Level 8 Jan 7, 2018

No in fact that was an observation.

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