My Saving Gaia gives a plausible reason why politicians across the world are so corrupt. They're not stupid and some have a splendid education. They know damn well heaven and hell religious dogma is utter absurdity. So they reason: "All right, if that's the way it is that means I can do anything I want without fear of divine punishment."
It's been that way throughout history. Surely, bad people like Mao, Stalin and Hitler had no fear of divine retribution. Out of the 535 Congresspersons in this country what are the chances that they ALL believe the religious nonsense? It's obvious that many are hypocrites playing a game.
That's why, under the circumstances, corruption is the right thing to do for the individual. Make or steal as much money as you can.
In order to save Gaia this faulty logic has to stop. Our leaders have to see the big picture. In a end they'll all be dead and their lives will be utterly meaningless - better they were never born because all they did was take and take and leave a giant "carbon footprint" for future generations to worry about. They have to realize the harm they're doing with their bribes, kick-backs, extortion, and graft. . What's the sense of living if your life hurts the health and stability of Gaia. She's a super-organism (Gaia theory) and damaging just one of her components - rivers, air, climate, soil, oceans - continues its evil consequences indefinitely.
The irony is that if they drop out of the rat race, the game called politics, they'll be a lot happier and their life will have some meaning.
Someone said something about money hoarding in Western Society: if they were hoarding anything else they would be considered mad, but having heaps more money than you use (or using it for what most people would see as needless luxuries in the scheme of things), is by many seen as something to strive for...I agree gaia will survive, we probably won't and it's mainly due to smart people acting stupidly!
Gaia will survive, humans won't survive the end of the anthropocene, and will probably be taking most mammals with them..... live only got about 10 years.....
Gaia will survive, humans won't survive the end of the anthropocene, and will probably be taking most mammals with them..... live only got about 10 years.....
They think of themselves, of the prestige they get from being a senators, reps, or cabinet members, and the money they rake in from lobbyists, corporations, or billionaires. They are wined, dined, taken on lavish vacations, and treated like royalty, as long as they suck up to the corporate interests, and make laws to enable their lifestyles. It doesn't matter how badly they pollute, destroy ecosystems, as long as the money, parties, and prestige keeps rolling in. Religion is a convenient out for them. The rich, white, old evangelistic men, who are running the shadow government, could care less how corrupt and evil they are, as long as they follow the rules of their agenda. Gaia will continue in one form or another, and not care what happens to the humans who live on her. I am atheist/pagan. I don't worship any gods or goddesses, but I believe in the life force. Giai could end up as desolate as Venus, but she will go on in one form or another. In the mean time, we humans either destroy or try to do what is right. Hopefully, someday, humans will wake up.
The worlds super- criminals may appear to just randomly pillage the Earth and its life - forms but the class does have a class consciousness and there are limits of acceptability to extreme maverick behaviors . There are no morals though , just rules of individual containment to maintain class cohesion . If they could , they would , and eventually they very well ' might ' eliminate most of the Earth's human population so that they can start all over as the unchallenged , omnipotent, omnipresent masters of this Earth the extent that they could pull this off .
unchallenged , omnipotent, omnipresent masters of this Earth …" sounds like the Nazis.
I had a very similar conversation laat week. Sadly, politicians are viewed as "gods" by many. And so the all too trusting "lambs" are led daily to the slaughter with big smiles because they trust and believe that the politicians will solve all their problems.
Good post.
As a Pagan, I can tell you Gaia doesn't give a shit about the life that rides on her. But it would be nice if humans cared more and took care of Gaia skins so we can live.
“The earth is going to be fine, it’s the people who are fucked.” ~George Carlin
If humans go extinct, and perhaps all life does also due to the Greenhouse Effect and our Earth winds up as hostile to life as Venus, doesn't that bother you? Four billion years of slow and painful evolution will be wasted.
@Wurlitzer As much as I admire George Carlin, he had a limited formal education although I know he read a lot. I taught high school biology for ten years and know much of the series of improbable events that had to take place to eventually evolve thought and humans. It's a singularity and won't happen again. Humans are the end, the omega point. We're in the process of throwing it all away so Big Oil execs can live in luxury.
@Aristopus Yeah of course it bothers any thinking human, our only point is it won't bother the earth one bit. Itll keep on tickin. Short of blowing ourselves apart with nuclear weapons Im skeptical that we could end all life on earth even. Tardigrades laugh at global warming. Im also not convinced that we’re the only existing/probable life in the universe but fair point, I do realize this kind of complexity is rare enough to be precious. But still, thats me realizing it not the earth. The earth doesnt give two ratshits or a rusty fuck about us. AIDs cancer and global warming might as well be the shakes, scratches and bites of this giant superorganism shaking off its parasites.
@Aristopus We'd be wasted in less than a second if/when a gamma ray blast us. I'm a scientist/hedge witch ... sugar coating is not what I do.
@Aristopus wasted? like the universe really cares.
Thank you for the recommendation. If only people could see past the immediate gains (money, fame, power, etc) to the future of humanity.
That's what the book is about. Humanity desperately needs a change in consciousness or we'll self destruct. Values have to change.