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Is it only me or has the arena of political discussion on Facebook turn brutally and verbally confrontational ?

StevenRPrice 4 July 22

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It has become just nasty. I can't believe some of the things I have seen. I think fear is a huge part of it and not just on one side either. I think fear is fueling everyone.


I think we are frightened. I certainly am and fear leads to anger and illness and all sorts of problems I don't think it is the fault of any one on facebook, especially, it is just that all of us are uncertain of our future and that is a recipe for depression. When you have political leaders who are mostly caring about themselves, their own offshore accounts etc, and not capable of looking after their electorate we are just going to get more and more of this unrest - I see it also with Donald Trump and I don't really understand why we are giving out to any of these self- centred politicians.
I do know its got inside me and i have spent a fair few days in tears feeling utterly defeated.

jacpod Level 8 July 22, 2018

Yes, me too and it is affecting my psyche. I have had to learn to limit myself or cut myself off from all that is going on. I look to music and laughter to do that. It helps. πŸ˜€


It’s any of us allowing trump supporters to remain our fb β€˜friends.’

But larger, it’s the loss of β€˜The Fairness Doctrine’ in the US media … remember Ronnie..? Good luck finding a neutral source of news.. A US American - I turn to the BBC!

Polarization has been the desire of the Republican Party for decades; with unlimited corporate funding, they’ve achieved it. Their Nazis like propaganda networks and hate jocks have succeeded in dividing β€˜America.’ Next step … lacking a political correction from the complacent masses ..conquer.

Varn Level 8 July 22, 2018

Not just on FB, but pretty much everywhere ! The orange one encourages such behaviors daily.


Its hard to know as i only have my 'real' friends I know in my real life on facebook - I am fan of Corbyn and like all the posts that tell me about him and I hate reading the Tories on any social media but it dies seem to point up how uneducated so many peopel are both generally and politically.

jacpod Level 8 July 22, 2018

Anything being discussed on facebook is the same . People don't seem to realise they are cotresponding with real people its as if they are speaking with shadows that lack feelings and emotions . So they tend to not hold back with the abuse

Simon1 Level 7 July 22, 2018

Plus there are no real consequences when attacking someone verbally on FB (or the like). As opposed to speaking to them face to face.........

@patchoullijulie very rarely will things will go to court

@Simon1 I was thinking more along the lines of physical confrontation...

@patchoullijulie I know I just meant being taken to court for harassment , rape threats , hate speech is very rarely dealt was the aswell

@Simon1 ok gotcha and I agree πŸ˜€


Thanks a lot! I wiped my account there a year ago, and now it follows me here? Hrumph!


It's not only you. I've had at least a half a dozen people unfriend me because of political beliefs. Some were life long friends. When I do an intelligent debate, it resorts (usually by the other side) to name calling. We all are adults (youngest on my FB is 20). It makes me especially mad when I make a point, they call bs, then I show a video of whoever actually saying what I said. Makes them mad. It's just too much drama, and you can't lead a horse to water. Why I mostly stopped going on there.

Thank you for taking the time to reply.and especially in a courteous person ,to my disappointment,responded in a hostile manner simply because I asked the question and mentioned FB.which is exactly the attitude I was hoping to get some input about.i hope you and your family have a nice rest of the summer.


No, it is not you. It has turned brutally and verbally confrontational. People on face book do not seem to understand that people can have different points of view and still be ok. Common courtesy seems to be missing.

Thank you.i am very happy have found this site.the level of common courtesy seems exceptional.though I seem have agitated one person simply by mentioning FB.i did not mean offend anyone.i am just trying get my feet wet as it were.agaih,thank you for your time.

@StevenRPrice You are welcome. Every time someone gets "angry" with we, I stop and think; is it me or is it them. And most of the time it is them and I say something like; "I would be careful there if I were you or you may have that heart attach and can you really afford a ride to the hospital since Donald has stuffed up the health care system"


Call it the trump ameriKKKa effect or ignore it... your call.

Yeah, there is that new feature called "scroll". Most trumpsters haven't heard of it. As an Obama supporter, I had to listen to their garbage for 8 long years, but they can't take it themselves. We're not talking about "he was born in Kenya" (which is BS), but trump is facing some serious allegations. Only about half of the people that I know supported him still do. But I'm the snowflake? Get real.

@TheGreatShadow You know that many trump supporters? You must be white! Don't take it personal but everytime I hear a white american telling me they think President Obama was a great president and because of that they can't be racist.... I always ask them.... so he happened the other day.... a decade ago, what did you used as reason or excuse not to be racist? I had noticed with trump... there is a lot of Born Again Racists re-discovering themselves. Not calling you one. I know at least one of my sisters voted for trump. I lost someone could had been considered a friend of many years during the elections for him and his rabbid wife supporting trump. He used to support burnie sanders. I am sure he was not the only burnie supporter that hated the clintons to the point of voting for trump and he may lie about the whole thing now. I don't know, I wouldn't shake hands again, I have no place in my life for any trump supporter outside of my sister. My son, a veteran considered trump an option when he came out... I just told him, watch and learn and remember what I told you about supporting those that never served. It lasted less than 2 weeks. I am honest... did not voted for Hillary, did not voted for Obama either. If you did not served in the Military.... You are not going to get my vote. My vote, my rules. I am a veteran. Sorry for the vent but life must be tough for you if your circles demographics includes 50 percent trump supporters. Big Wow. I salute you!

@GipsyOfNewSpain Dude, I live in the Midwest, in a village of 600 people. Almost EVERYONE that I know voted for him.

@TheGreatShadow Sorry to hear that and then again... is your village. I know they are out there.

@TheGreatShadow I met a very nice older woman on FB who lives in Illinois in a town of 200 and has told me the same thing.i find it ironic that the people who eventually will have their lives impacted the worse are his most ardent defenders.i can’t get my head around the thought process that involves.thank you for your time.hope you are having a good summer.

@StevenRPrice It is ameriKKKa. trump is the messiah that is telling them I will protect white ameriKKKa with a wall so latinos and Hispanics can not come from the south and populate and vote whites out of this party. That is what time it is. No reason to sugarcoat, turn the black on the latino and is a win win situation for whitey. The Culture of Hate never went away... was not even dormant, was hiding in plain sight. ameriKKKa.

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