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Re my note on Buddhism. Here's the quote.

Tommy19 7 July 23

Enjoy being online again!

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Marine Level 8 July 28, 2018

Is there a tomorrow? Indeed, we are living in it now for every today is yesterday's tomorrow and tomorrow's yesterday.

A poetic ode to the present.


When you can not answer a question answering with another question is practically the life blood of religion. I concider myself “almost Buddhist” as I step up to the door but until I step inside I can not know what’s behond it. I can sit in meditation and be present, this world is the only one I can be present in.

Thanks for this. I follow a Buddhist philosophy and I meditate nightly.

@Tommy19 ☯️


Well the obvious difference is that for all of us, countless tomorrows have become today / yesterday and we've lived to tell of it -- and can intersubjectively verify it. Death on the other hand is something from which no one has ever returned, so inherently there's zero information about it. Whether you're talking about the Abrahamic heaven or Buddhist rebirth, it's all speculation and wishful thinking about which there's no actual data.

And no, near death experiences, like all personal subjective experiences, don't count.


It's one of those mind-fucking thoughts, now I won't sleep thinking about that

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