When someone is better than me at something I don't hate them for it, because that'd just be self loathing; as in hating myself for not being "as good as them." Instead I study them, I study myself and I study anyone else relevant to what I do, to see how to make myself better... then I kick some ass.
Happy Monday heathens ❤
Just gotta face up that everyone is going to be better than something than others....BUT.....that doesn't mean you shouldn't aspire to improve yourself.
My real weakness is simply trying to be funny, I often get involved in pun contests and similar. All good natured tho I just love making people laugh but do sometimes hate my desire to be the funny guy.
I don’t think I hate them but I’m sure there’s some jealousy. I often just try to remind myself what skills I have.
@pepperjones probably ?....I hope. Although I’ve spent the last few years realizing I’m actually average at a lot of things. Which can be annoying, need to pick something and become a bad ass at it.
Yes, there will always be someone out there who is better than you at something. Why hate a person for it when you can watch, observe, and learn to get better?
Wise woman!
@pepperjones true, but many of us still allow ourselves to do just that.
@pepperjones especially when you could have cool, talented friends instead
I celebrate when someone is good at something.... you might get free food, if they are good at cooking.
@pepperjones I'll keep an eye for the encore! ?