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I appreciate being humble

Partyhawk 7 July 24

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I disagree. It's being happy.

Religious people are the ones obsessed with "inspiring others" and their lives are filled with "should" and "shouldn't" mantras.

I inspire other to be kind and respectful by example and let them know I'm not religious. Being nice and good-hearted is not religious. Its understanding the ugly world we live in because of religion and teaching people you have a bigger heart than they do. Of course many of them say I'm naive but I know better.

@RoadGlider I'm not doing any more lists of rules or pressure to do good deeds. I make myself happy and that if includes helping others, then it's my own choice. Or not.

@birdingnut I agree. After awhile it drains you and you just need to think about yourself more. It's all good.

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