Okay. Here's my gripe for today: I'm sick and tired of men being raked over the coals for making negative/inappropriate remarks about women while women are frequently given a free pass to man bash to their heart's content. There's a very obvious double standard here, and I'm no longer going to sit back and let man-hating remarks go unchallenged.
I have seen a lot of guys get fried by female members regularly enough on A.G..what strikes me is about these incidents is that it is surprising how hypocritical some of this male bashing is.
In one such episode a woman suddenly attacked a male for a tongue in cheek joke..it was funny and I believe normal enough banter..but she went over the top on him..the issue is this member has used much much worse language on A daily basis..but she decided to humiliate this guy..just for kicks.
Most female members on this site have been super cool..no issues..but yes there are definately double standards.. there was another discussion about this before..many of the female members said double standards are an issue.
Are you speaking generally, in all spheres, or something bothered you on this site? I do think you have a point. I, as a woman, have seen lot's of this double standard. It's not right, but I do understand it and why it happens. I also wish that both sides were at a stage in the gender issues where we can just talk to each other. I understand the "Me Too" movement, BUT, I'm not seeing where it's helping to move the conversation forward, or bridging the gap between men and women. It's a little disheartening.
@RobLawrence That is the common sentiment that I hear from other women, that men don't understand what we women have to put up with from men and have had to put up with for centuries. There is truth to that, that women have been through a lot at the hands of men. I feel that, I've lived it. But I also think that we have reached a point, at least here in the USA where women and men should start speaking to each other instead of 'about' each other. I don't see where women imitating men's past bad behavior helps the situation. Both sides need to find a middle ground and come up with some rules of engagement that is equitable for both sides. There are days when I think we are going nowhere & ending up back where we all started. Sad.
@RobLawrence The latest kerfuffle with the actor Henry Cavill (Superman) was for me an eye opener. When I read what he supposedly said, about his fears that flirting could be misinterpreted as an attempt to seduce and rape, I thought he was expressing confusion about what the rules are now a days. He might not have been eloquent about it, but I understood what he was trying to say. That he's old fashioned & now he doesn't know how to act around women. Many women called him out and shamed him for it & I just didn't get it. I felt it was unfair and unproductive - if men are going to be shut down for asking questions, we're never going to get anywhere. Even I, a woman, am not sure what the rules are anymore.