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I have noticed an uptick in religious based shows on tv lately. I am slowly finding myself with less and less to watch. I still like Ancient Aliens and the like. I am hoping to see the next Cosmos I heard is coming.

Ceaselessmind 7 July 25

Enjoy being online again!

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we watch mainly films on netflix and documentaries- Quite like detective series and also funny quiz shows like "Have I got News for You" and "Room 101."

jacpod Level 8 July 28, 2018

I finally figured out how to stream TED to my TV. Between that and Netflix documentaries, I'm good.

Okay, okay, I'm watching "GLOW" too. It was the bf's idea. Mark Maron is a national treasure. And I'm still antsy for the end run of GoT. But that's it!!

GLOW is great! I have also been enjoying Mind Hunter, Altered Carbon, and star trek TNG.


I loved the first season of Ancinet Aliens, but it lost me after that. Every iteration of cosmos is purely amazing.


Looking forward to The Good Place coming back in September. That's it for me.


I too have noticed an increase of religious based TV and movies. It is nauseating at best! I am hoping it fades really soon 😕. But then, I remember thinking the same thing about reality based TV shows (how long have they been around now.... 20 years???) I guess I won't be holding my breath on the religious crap to go away any time soon. ugh! By the way I love Ancient Aliens too. 😀

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