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Are there any peculiar phenomena in your state that draw people to do seemingly insane things?

This is The Wedge, in Newport Beach, CA. The wave here is produced by a combination of factors: the jetty, dredged bottom, and swells arriving from just the right angle/direction.

Up until just a few years ago, only bodysurfers and bogeyboarders challenged this meat grinder of a wave, but the last few years have seen board surfers getting some pretty gnarly rides.

I hope you enjoy the show:

Condor5 8 July 25

Enjoy being online again!

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Here's one in my state[]

Very cool, I especially like the guy going over in the wheelchair.

Part of the Skyline Drive .

@Cast1es Skyline Drive? That is the name of a multiuse trail/fireroad I used to bike on; it just burned up a week or two ago.

@Condor5 She's talking about the East Coast Skyline Drive. But I don't think the New River Gorge bridge is part of it. I could be wrong.

@Condor5 She's talking about the East Coast Skyline Drive. But I don't think the New River Gorge bridge is part of it. I could be wrong.

@tnorman1236 I'm sure that's a common name. In fact, when I was working for Rocketdyne, our facility up in the hills had a section of road named that, if I recall correctly.


That's something I've always wanted to try!

Yeah, but this wouldn't be the place to start.

@Condor5 True. I've just always loved water. I think my favorite thing about water sports is how tired I feel at the end of the day. Good tired, relaxed tired. I miss living near water.

@Nottheonlyone I just moved about a month ago back to the county I left a little over a year ago. I'm now 5.5 miles from the ocean, whereas before, I was inland about 35 miles, by road, in a virtual desert. So much happier now-it's 20 degrees cooler, on average.

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