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Lets Stamp out all the Orphan Negatives ! Dont be Disgruntled, when you'd be more happy being Gruntled. And why be Unkempt when you can KEEP IT KEMPT. Come on. You know it makes sense. Andy x x

Shaved 5 July 25

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Unkempt ?

Sorry maybe Unkempt isnt used a lot in US. But Google is and you can just look up "unkempt meaning "and it will tell you:-
(especially of a person) having an untidy or dishevelled appearance.
"they were unwashed and unkempt"
synonyms: untidy, messy, scruffy, disordered, dishevelled, disarranged, rumpled, windblown, ungroomed, bedraggled, in a mess, messed up, shabby, slovenly, shaggy; tousled, uncombed, knotted, matted; informalsloppy, tatty, the worse for wear; informalgrotty; informalmussed up
"a rough-looking youth with long unkempt hair"
. . . .KEEP IT KEMPT. . . .Love Andy

@Shaved Ah ha , here, it's unkept . No letter M in it .


Of course!

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