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Why are there so many people who are lonely? Why is it so hard for people to make real connections when almost everyone wants to make real connections?
What’s the most crucial thing for a healthy relationship?​​

nicknotes 8 July 25

Enjoy being online again!

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I like loneliness. I like not having to justify myself if today is blue or yellow or red. Ham or Steak? Comedy or Drama? Myself I am not looking for a caretaker or caregiver. She needs to be active and very danceable if possible because I still got thread on my tires. 95% of what I say... is not important or had not much meaning... She can't go around taking me serious all the time. I am not a Politician looking for her vote either. Life is supposed to be Fun... let's make it Fun Woman. Why Hoarding? You can't take it when you die... Leave your baggage, travel light and live long. But to know a person takes time and simply... some of us are thinking they are running out of time so... others just don't care on opening up and see it as a waste of their time. My son told me yesterday... all actions you do are based somehow on a vagina. I slammed him as hard as I could... I said "That's what your mother thought, she just guessed wrong which one". And between us... she did and she knows it, so... I was being Truthful and accepting Women are the only thing I had Worship in my life and I will never, Ever regret saying it. Once I am settled on my place... It will be inviting and comfortable for the Ladies... but It will be My Place yet everything is Negotiable because I never been a tyrant that will demand his Hollywood Wall is not open to discussion. Honesty among Equals will be Crucial thing for a healthy relationship... state your agenda up front. But like the Americas on 1500 be wide open to new alternatives and accept in what phase of your life you are because sometimes what is best for you is known only by a stranger to you or someone forgotten and discarded in your past. Fun eh?

I think you have all figured right.

@nicknotes Nah... then I have to die... I am too young to die. I will like to make a Woman really Happy with me... Crazy Happy with me. Will not like to lose her or her losing me... so both going down in a storm in the Mediterranean or Caribbean... with no recovery of bodies... think will be okay. Figure those odds!

Dying is so permanent. Can't have any relationships if you are dead. @GipsyOfNewSpain

@nicknotes Exactly but if there is another chapter for the lovers in the other side permanent side I want that permanent to start right away because we are already there at the same time. I had seen widows forgetting their departed husband in a week and I don't blame them. Sometimes they simply feel liberated!!!!!


Simple Suggestions: 1: Turn off the TV and the computer. 2: Invite some friends over for boardgames/storytelling/joke sharing. 3: Learn to sing/play and instrument & join a group for practice. 4: Learn to dance and throw a dance party. 5: Join a group that seeks to improve a situation you are concerned about. Basically entertain yourselves and act the way our great-grandparents did - with each other rather than with expensive technology. is a good tool for meeting real people with similar interests.

Some excellent suggestions for widening your circle of people


To your first two questions: fear and improper communication.

Fear is a powerful drive. Fear of judgment, of ridicule and rejection. Or sometimes it's fear of being hurt, especially if you've been hurt before. All the can cloud our judgement and rein us in from going after what we want.

Improper communication is when something seems
to be obvious or clear to one person, when it's anything but to their partner. When we say "It's fine.", when it isn't and refuse to talk about. When we want or need something but don't say it and get frustrated that they don't give us what we're looking for. All of this serves to drive people appart.

For your last question: trust, proper communication and faith.

Trust is so fundamental that without it you don't have a relationship at all. You just have a series if interactions that will most likely be bad and harmful. You can trust them not judge or hurt you. Without trust you have no real basis by which to communicate.

Proper communication is what is born of trust. Judgement free exchange of ideas, hopes and fears. The ability to say what you want in a way your partner can clearly understand and they do the same with you.

Faith is one I imagine most people here will bristle at, but hear me out. I'm not talking a higher power. I'm talking faith in yourself and your partner. You can never truly know another person. There will always be some part of them that is theirs alone. Which means at a certain point you have to have faith that your judgement was sound, that your trust wasn't misplaced, and that you expressed yourself clearly. You have to surrender some modicum of control, pass the ball to them and see what happens.

You made some excellent points. Fear is a terrible hindrance to starting a relationship. Many fear rejection. One has to accept rejection and promptly move on to discover new people.


All that are alone are not lonely. Just wanted to make that distinction first.
Here is my theory and it is halfbaked, even though I am not at this time.
Lonely is the state where I find myself longing for what is past. That deep connection I shared with someone. Dating can make it worse because we wonder why we can't/don't have it with the new person. It takes time and often the relationship ends before you find it for one reason or another. I think that makes people less likely to expend the effort, or at least I know that is the case for me. It seems like a loop and it is exhausting. Emotions themselves are draining at times and it is hard to always be on. I think socially or culturally we wait too long before trusting people with who we are interested in. So I just trust people aren't out to screw me over and I know that is never my intent.

Dating is the pretty crazy ritual when you break it down and is fundamentally flawed imo. I listened to all my girlfriends talk about how shitty it was all through my teens 20s and 30s. I never really dated in a traditional sense save for a bit maybe in high school. I tend to avoid it for the most part. To me relationships are built on trust so I just try and meet someone have fun and try it again. If you can keep repeating that formula things work out how they are supposed to. Maybe that no longer works but I think that is the only thing that feels right now. Selecting from a list just isn't for me right now so I will just try to be a fun person to hang with.

I am alone and at times lonely like I said above so I need to be better about dropping the past. I probably won't always be a fun person until I can be better at that.

Thanks for your interesting contribution to the discussion.

@nicknotes Don't know how interesting it is but probably unconventional

The point is you were able to express your views. @maxhyde

@nicknotes Even when I should keep my mouth shut I have a tendency to share my thoughts. Over-sharing...a gift to no one and curse upon myself

You did well. Don't be critical of yourself. @maxhyde


Everone is holding out for a 10...

That's tough.... 10s are almost out of stock.

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