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Having spent so much of my life around religion and "spirituality", I've made some observations about it.

Spirituality, as it's currently practiced, is the same as it has always been: A vehicle to make money.

• In the bible, the tithe was invented so that priests could make money since they didn't plow fields or herd livestock... in other words, they didn't "work" for their living.
• Today's priests publish self-help books filled pseudo-science and stuff that their audience gloms onto, as a way to avoid actually working.
• Today's priests teach the Law of Attraction... or prosperity... and tell us that the universe is a cosmic ATM and all we need to do is “attract” money, and it can all be ours… provided we buy their programs—and give them our tithes.
• Today's priests are “gurus” and “life coaches,” who peddle their services only to those who can afford them.
• Today's priests want us to ‘learn’ how to mediate, and for a nominal fee, they will teach us how—and give us our own personal mantra.
• Today's priests tell us we need to buy vitamins, herbs, health drinks, supplements, vegan/vegetarian meal programs. (And if we're extra spiritual, we can join the network-marketing-pyramid scheme).
• Today's priest write books about the inadequacy of Western medicine when compared to Eastern medicine, and therefore we cannot trust pharmaceutical companies who only want to keep sick so they can sell their supplements (drugs).

Take away the money and what's left of spirituality… Nothing. Take away the money, and you take away the priest's motivation. Take away the priest’s motivation and you take away their altar. Take away their altar, and you have teachers and educators (which, as we know, doesn't pay as well).

Anyway, that's something I've observed over time.

Benthoven 8 July 26

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It's a bit of an over-simplification, but overall, I agree. It's gotten trendy, and therefore people are going after the money that's in it.

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