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Conservatives are hypocrites. Discuss.

KKGator 9 July 27

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Generalize much?

gater Level 7 July 28, 2018

It's quite easy to do when most of them, every time they open their mouths, prove my point.
There is nothing positive about conservatism. Everything about it is negative.

@KKGator Well you moved from all to most, that's an improvement.

@gater You still can't defend them though.


"Im not a (racist/sexist/a total fucking imbecile that hates life/prosperity) YOU are! Take THAT, O'bummer!"" (then says something even more racist, sexist, or brain damaged)


These conservative fucks wanted a "businessman" as their president. Trumps idea of business is to build personal profit and promote his brand name. This eventually will lead to the bankrupting of America only to pass that problem on to the democrats. I have seen this movie before........


“Fiscal responsibility”.


Not much to discuss - just about EVERYthing I've seen since trump declared he was running has been one hypocritical thing after another. Many comedian has covered the comments from many on fox, alex jones, the big fat idiot, etc on everything Obama did or said. But trump does it or says it and it is a new golden rule. This is just a rant - LOL - can't say I'm discussing anything.


Well, just the word ' conserve ' seems diametrically opposed to their seemingly unanimous urge to consume the Earth as fast and as profitably as is possible ?

Another excellent point.


There’s the YUGE tax cuts.. just so we can borrow more money from China.

Not to mention the tariffs, leading to higher prices for consumers. Trumpski wants a 12 billion bailout because he messed up the farmers.


We can start with the “pro-life” movement that is actually o my pro-BIRTH, seeing as they don’t support birth control, not health insurance, welfare, education, or anything else that children need for life.

If Obama did even 1/10 of the bullshit 45 is doing right now, they'd have lost their tiny little minds over it.
But, because it's 45, they're happy to be going along with it.
Fucking unbelievable.

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