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I am thinking I need a career change. Or maybe a job change. Anyone done that in their 50's?

GreatNani 8 July 27

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I retired@ 54. Best career move ever!


I did at 58 and it was good I went to work for myself and never looked back, love me boss. Lol


The first 50 years of childhood are the toughest.


I’m going through it right now. With the kids launched, and being single, I can afford the pay cut. I’m going from be8ng a mechanic to airline pilot. Just because it is something I wanted to do.


I did it in my 40s. The change was gradual, and both fields (broadcasting, theater management) were performing arts-related. But I'm happy the opportunity presented itself, it turned out to be a great move for me. One effective method I've found is to volunteer or work part-time in your prospective job or area of interest to see if it's a good fit for you. Hope that helps. Good luck to you!

Thanks! It does. I am going to do some volunteer work.


Yup. I quit my university English prof job in 2010 when I was 58 years old and moved to Thailand to teach ESL and English literature.

Teaching overseas is the ultimate goal! Both my siblings live overseas. My dad lives with me so that is the sticky piece .


I'm still trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up.


I made the move from teaching math to programming computers when I was 29. I now debate making a move into management.


Yes I changed careers at 52. Best decision ever for me.

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