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Do you think that the abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianism and Islam) become popular because they were the first to introduce the concept of weekend?

MarcO 5 Oct 13

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The Israelites got the Sabbath from the Sumerians; however, the Sumerian Shabbaton was grim as opposed to the Hebrew Sabbath, which is festive. Maybe partying makes the difference. But looked at in context, the 10 Utterances were given to ex-slaves, and the weekend would be a treasure.


They were spread by fear, torture and death. European churches are filled with religious imagery on the walls because they told the stories of religion and most people could not read. The fear of death is the great converter, as well as the fear of the power of the state.


I doubt it had much to do about weekends. Some people go we're they're told. Accept ideas that make sense. We are a lazy minded people and if someone sells you on something many never bother to investigate it


i think its cause they were pushed by people in power at the time during an age where it was easier to spread than before


Not really true most religion require that you take time off to feed the gods.

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