I woke up in a good mood. I did. I went to lunch in a good mood.
Hell I wasn't in a terrible mood a while after my car got scratched up.
Then I started getting private messages about how my car deserved to be hit.
Then some of yall started invalidating my frustration. Yeah I started to get pissed off but I calmed down.
Then a patient visitor got all sorts of attitude with me while I explained to him the hospital rules that I was already bending for him and he told ME I had the attitude. I took a breath, told myself I control how this makes me feel. Told myself I'm not going to let such an enormous amount of assholes fuck me over....
Then the fucking doctor of the patient came down, explained to me how I'm doing my job wrong even though I am just doing it BY THE FUCKING BOOK, and proceeded to tell me I was being bitchy and my favorite condescending bitch saying "sweetie I've been doing this job a lot longer than you" which is completely irrelevant because YOU'RE A DOCTOR YOU'VE NEVER WORKED MY JOB AT ALL. EVER.
so fuck now I do have an attitude for sure. Every bridge has its snapping point, no matter how sturdy and reinforced.
Patients and doctors are not the most reasonable people on the planet. You deserve a heaping helping of kindness. I hope this awful day is isolated among a whole bunch pf happier, calmer days.
I am concerned, however, about the car scratching anf the followup PMs. Are you safe? Is this likely to escalate? Take care of yourself.
Hopefully , after getting all this s##t in one day , it'll be over and done with , and you won't have to have multiple days of it . I used to think we need rain , but if the rainy days happened when I was at work , then I could save my sunny days , for when I had off .
Wait the car? Are you okay?
Yeah its just some douche rammed a shopping cart into the front of it after I spent a lot of time and effort waxing it and they scratched it up
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand my coworker that's supposed to relieve me is late