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It can be so exhausting to give a damn, can't it? It is my personal and professional experience that when we passionately give a damn, we often pay a steep price for caring.

But remember, you can't do anything for anyone else indefinitely if you don't practice self-care.

I have been a passionate activist for almost 50 years on global, political, and societal issues, to name a few, and i have burned out at least three times. But i recovered, and carried on, only differently.

So if you care about what is happening in our world, and are stressed because you care, read this Open Letter to Those Who Still Give a Damn from John Pavlovitz

#activism #compassion #passion #politics #environment #mindfulness


josephr 7 July 29

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And remember - no good deed goes unpunished.


The letter didn't actually give any advice, and was mostly a redundant series of descriptions of the problems with caring.

So I advocate meditating two or more times a day, taking long early morning walks, and taking CBD oil. Also, turning off the news and limiting time on Facebook.

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