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Such a lovely weekend! These are just a few shots of some of my favorite spots on the property. And the Scampi? The hosts invited me to crash in it while I was there. My friends are amazing!

Nottheonlyone 7 July 29

Enjoy being online again!

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Just terrible. Did you lose your hands in a gardening accident?

I thought maybe that was why She Cried.


Could not happened to better gal!


That looks like a great time

PaulD Level 5 July 29, 2018

It really was!

@Nottheonlyone I’m totally looking forward to winter myself

Hot where you are, or do you just like winter?

@Nottheonlyone Well honestly a little of both. 60 is the ceiling of my comfort zone. I’m honestly more comfortable at 40-50 than anything else. Plus I’m talking to a friend of mine about helping me build my Falconry housing facilities. I’m going to try and get everything done so I can roll my license over to Idaho and go get me a Ferruginous Hawk.


sure sounds like you had a good relaxing fun time...

Lukian Level 8 July 29, 2018

Totally. I didn't want to leave!

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