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Betty Bowers is just about my favorite Christian. Here is a great new video from her which illustrates how facts are so inconvenient for ideologically driven.

Seeker3CO 8 July 30

Enjoy being online again!

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Betty is my fave. Occasionally I imagine a life with her. But then reality takes hold of my most sensitive parts. And I know it would not be good to give credence to the rumors of me as a stalker.

JacarC Level 8 July 31, 2018

Hahahahahaha! Love it!


Click on the video. You will be glad you did. Funny and gets her point across.


Betty Bowers is one of our best allies.


So before I click on some video, is this conducive to agnostic/atheist view. I feel like I'm being set up.

@Seeker3CO damn you, you tapped into my sucker gene.

Betty Bowers is a fantastic politically-driven comedian! Enjoy!

"What does Jesus know about American Christianity", what a great line. Glad my sucker gene activated.

If you are NOT a theist, You will most likely enjoy her work.

@Fulishsage ohferpetessake.....go watch the video & stopp being so paranoid! She is hilarious & ,makes good points Against xanity using their own writing.

@AnneWimsey I watched it and it was hilarious

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