This is very troublesome. You can't pass legislation to ban assault weapons if the plans are easily accesible online. A 10 year old could do it. Many guns in the wrong hands. How safe is that? []
3 D Printers cost bucks but the wrong people cana fford them
From a particular point of view I can see a gang that will print them out for hits on rival gang members and seeing that they're made of plastic they can be melted, leaving no evidence. Some will make them and sell them for a very low price and with no regulation anyone can get one. The best option at present would be to make 3D printers extremely hard to get.
Why do you think they can legislate safety? Face it, the world is a dangerous place and the firearm cat is out of the bag. It isn't going back in. Why does no one suggest making society a better place so people have less fear and worry which would lead to less need to arm oneself? Seems to me anyway that is something both sides could agree on.
They did it in Australia after ONE mass shooting, and l believe they did it pretty quickly. Maybe one of our friends from down under could tell us if l am right.
It's history repeating itself. We now have guns instead of swords and they're a much quicker and more humane form of our favorite sport. When we truly understand the logic of life and death is when we will make better decisions.