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Just paid for 130 dollars worth of liquor and apple cards.

Someone in Brooklyn New York is having a rager on my dime.

And you know the kicker? Derby liquor in Brooklyn knows the guy that stole my debit card information and THE POLICE SAID THEY WON'T DO ANYTHING. For fucks sake and they wonder why people don't trust cops anymore.

Wow. I didn't know stealing people's money was legal. Here I was working hard for my money when I could have just stolen it.

Fucking shitbags.

LadyAlyxandrea 8 July 31

Enjoy being online again!

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It's times like this that I am glad that I have such shitty credit that I don't even have a credit card. I don't even have bad enough credit to generate a credit rating number.

Wrytyr Level 7 July 31, 2018

It's not a credit card it's my debit card that my paychecks go to.


I swear to cow you have the worst luck!

I know right!? You'd think I stole some ancient totem from a tomb

@LadyAlyxandrea Did you take Pele's rocks or sand from Hawaii? I've heard that brings bad luck.

@sewchick57 this is why I always say "any time something good happens, there is always a negative." Get a dishwasher - lose all my money


I believe that if this was done with a Visa or another type of card you can stop the transfer by going through the place the card. Is issued on. For sure you will want to call and immediately cancel the card. Then go to your bank and talk to them about the dollars. If the cops know about the guy then the person who spent the money is known to the store, thus they knew it was going to be a fraudulent transaction. Also if it is across state lines the FBI could get involved. Change your bank account number.


And now my favorite shirt has a giant hole in it, and I'm at work where I can not stop to sew it.

Did I break a mirror or something?

You're not in Kansas anymore Dorthy

@starwatcher-al sounds to me like Kansas is a bad place for you. I got to win the lottery. Have no idea what difference that would make but it sounds good.

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