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Why are agnostics still on the fence about Jesus?... I'm pretty sure you're still not on the fence about Zeus or the 2000+ other gods.I went thru that phase too until finally I got over the fear of possibly going to hell for not believing in the sky bully now I'm finally free and no longer fear the imaginary magic man.

Danger 4 Jan 12

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On the fence about Jesus? The man or the myth? Though I am on the fence about whether or not there was a historical Jesus, the biblical Jesus Christ is about as real as Harry Potter.
I consider myself agnostic in the same way I consider myself human. I will not argue the possible existence of a god but I am 100% certain all the gods we have stories of were all created by man rather than the other way.


Agnosticism and atheism are not necessarily mutually exclusive. Many people use the word agnostic to express what they know/don't know, and atheist to express what they believe/don't believe.

Agnostic atheist (me): I don't actually know if any god exists, but I don't believe any god exists.

Agnostic theist: I don't actually know if any god exists, but I DO believe a god exists.

Gnostic atheist: I absolutely know that no god exists, so I don't believe in a god.

Gnostic theist: I absolutely know a god DOES exist, so I believe in it.


On the fence about his existence or whether he was the son of God? Sure I believe he existed, and I also believe he was somewhat of a rebel with beliefs that strayed from common Jewish indoctrination. He was a threat to the high priests, so they saw to it that he was removed. Check out the link. It offers a great explanation of the "Virgin Mary" and Jesus. []


The real Jesus was gay. For years , the religious have been saying , " Amen", when what Jesus really said was, " Ahh....Men ! " ????


I have gone through the same transformation. It took years to undo the indoctrination of Christianity and the belief we are all born sinners and the ideal of hell if we don’t follow the scriptures of the Bible. I am finally free!


I think agnosticism is about belief or otherwise in God. I don't see the agnostic position on that, though I respect their right. Ask an agnostic: Do you believe the universe was created by a Cosmic Duck? Is the universe a Cosmic Egg, and we cosmic ducklings? No? No possibility that that is true? Congratulations, you're a A-Cosmic-Duck-ist. Same thing with God. It's just a word. Sounds from our brain. Instead of the word God we might say, Hairyknucklehead. In churches they might say, Oh Hairyknucklehead we ask for your blessing..... May Hairyknucklehead forgive you... God is just a word. People are frightened by it. Ignorant people from primitive times said it a lot, so it has more meaning. No it doesn't. So, just in case there's a God, I'll say agnostic, some people say. If I am wrong he won't be so pissed off at me. Really? There's no proof of Hairyknucklehead, there's no proof of a Cosmic Duck, and no proof of God. No difference. If anyone has any proof of these, give me a call. On the question of Jesus, it's not so much agnosticism, but whether you believe he existed at all, and, if he did, was he Son of God. The first is about historical evidence. It is debated. The second has nothing to do with evidence but non-reason based faith. Believers don't care about the history.


christians knock at my door re god, when I say atheist, they ask if I believe in the historical Jesus. I tell them there weer many, it was a common name. Then, which really blows me away, they ask if I believe he was the son of god. Seriously?????


I assume it has much too do with the trust that people have in their parents.


Become gods ourselves. What else is there?


Never believed anything about the religious 'Jesus' but I assumed there was a historical Jewish 'teacher' (Rabbi) who we know almost nothing about except his name was Joshua or however it's said in Aramaic (translated to Jesus in Greek)

It's possible but it's also possible that Jesus is just a made up character based on other pagan myths. I guess we will never really know.

Yes Danger. There is a possibility that the Jesus character is based on some pagan myth. In particular , the Mithra legend. This is most likely the origin of the miraculous birth narratives Also, there was a character in what is now known as Turkey named Apollonis of Tyna who lived approximately 100 years before Joshua the Nazarene who performed similar 'miracles' ect. Like Joshua , he was also the 'proverbial good man.

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