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Hello everyone, this is Danny

thisisdanny 3 Aug 2

Enjoy being online again!

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Hello Danny, this is everyone.


Hello Dave.


Hi there danny, this is byrd.

Byrd Level 7 Aug 2, 2018

Hello Byrd.

@thisisdanny so, are ya having fun here? Meet any interesting characters yet?

@Byrd oh yeah, just one so far, I'm seeing how things are for now, any groups that you would recommend, please let me know.


Hey, Danny, welcome aboard!

Jimm Level 4 Aug 2, 2018

Thanks Jimm.


Hi, Danny - welcome to the website.

By the way, this website has a bit of a learning curve.

For members who are open to dating, certain thumbnails and profiles have a heart symbol on them with a percentage. This identifies which members are open to dating, and the percent shows approximately how compatible others are with them.

You can improve your website score in general by answering all the profile questions and writing a bio, which also earns website points, and helps other members get to know you.

Commenting on posts and writing your own posts earns more points. At level two you can private message people, and at level eight you get an agnostic T-shirt.

If you want to date, the website uses profile algorithms to find member matches, so the more details one includes, the better the match.

Many people prefer to see a written profile talking about interests, hobbies, and backgrounds that can be quickly perused to find others who are compatible with them.

In case you didn't know yet, to find members near you, click on the "Browse" button at the top of the page, then on "Members," and enter your preferred search parameters.
Click on the "Discuss" button, then "Nearby" to find members near you also.
Or click on the "About" button at the top left of the page to find links to FAQ or the website tutorial.
Points are now being given to level 3+ members who chat. You can see chat rooms on the group main page or at [].

First time I saw your response to another new member, I thought, “Wow! That was well done.” Now I know you just saved the first one you wrote. The curtain has been pulled aside...

Thank you for the detailed or automated response.

@thisisdanny Yeah, I save the answer and then copy/paste it when I see a new member. This website keeps updating and changing their buttons and links so I have to update my own information regularly.

@birdingnut , thanks again.

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