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Need opinions here, I made an observation that a huge number of people that convert to religion are either incarcerated or poor. First, is this true? 2nd, Why?

steve148 7 Jan 12

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In the cse of imprisonment, Religiosu persons are taught they can feel good about themselves if they just confess their sins adn receive forgiveness )from a priest, not he person/people you wronged). That means they don't really seee the seriousness of what they do, because they have such an easy ay out of bad behavior, whic allows them to feel good about themselves no matter how much harm they do. So, they tend to do more harm and break more laws as a result.

By contrast, atheists, don't have the easy way out of confession and forgiveness above, but have to act good all the time in order to believe themselves to be good persons. Thus, they do less harm and break fewer laws.

As for why more religiosu persons are poor, The reason is two fold. One is that they are taught to accept the dictates of authority without question, so they ten dto accept things as they are. The second is that rather than strive for rewards on earth, they believe they will get their reward after life is over. Both scenarios tend to thwart ambition and the desire to improve one's life. The basically cede control over4 thier lifes future to others.

OK. The above is very generalized and over simplified, but for such an all encompassing question, you have to generalize and keep it simple if you dont' want ot end up writing an entire book.

I agree that your statement is very generalized. I have to ask, What is the source of these statements?

@steve148 Partly gneral overservations, but mostly based on sociological studies.

The most useful rule I found in trying to understand human behavior came otu of classes in sociology which said, that it is not the fear of punishment that keeps people from doign wrong, but rather fear of disapproval form the people you care about, or the groups you are a part of.

If you look at a person who belongs to a religion which believes that once a person accepts jesus and confesses their sins, then they are now a good person, then it is much easier for a person to do wrong, because all they need to do is confess and their "groups" will accept them as now being a "good person". I think this "easy way out" of beign considered a bad person for dogn bad things, leads to more people doing bad things, because it is so easy to gain or regain acceptance in the group.

Because of the huge diversity in human nature, social theory does have to be greatly generalized in order to apply well to most people.


there desperate for parole or company

What about the poor?

company and something to do


Statistically, that appears to be true. Our schools do a great job of teaching people to repeat what they're told as opposed to actually thinking through problems.



True-this article talks about prisoners large percent of converts to Islam and Christianity..


they need to believe there's something out there to help them out of their situation, plus they're more vulnerable to brainwashing

Why are they more vulnerable to brainwashing?

they are vulnerable full stop and anyone coming in and showing some kindness and support will be listened to more readliy


I tend to agree with you. I think both happen because religion promises redemption and paradise in the afterlife. So many people are desperate for both.

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