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Interested in your thoughts on two different topics:

  1. Karma

  2. Soul-mates

Kassandra 6 Aug 2

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I think Karma is BS. It portrays itself as something tangible but it's really nothing more than coincidence.
I don't know what a soul mate is because I don't believe in souls. If you found the one for you, then that's what they are. But to label them something like a soul mate doesn't make much sense to me.


Karma: it's what I think of when Maude used to say: "God'll get you for that!"

Soul-mates: (a misnomer) - the feeling that happens when you meet someone, and have an interaction, even for a short while, and it makes you feel as if you are suddenly a happier you.

-this is an opinion of the establishment (me) and is not intended to be taken as fact.

  1. What I have seen of people's interpretation of karma is really just schadenfreude or wanting vengeance. Not very karmic. No good deed goes unpunished! (;
  2. There is always another mate. It's all in the mind.

Karma: An ancient internal moderator of (moral) behavior. It is sorta the precursor to the heaven/hell carrot/stick western silliness, that taught people the golden rule.

Soul-mates: I think smell has the most influence on this feeling. Smell is profoundly underrated as an influencer in all things emotional, and therefore, behaviorally.

We are programmed to use all out senses to determine interest, and avoidance. Smell is the most powerful memory recall stimulant.

Body odors include many chemical substances such as hormones, and pheromones, that are not consciously detectable.

I maintain how someone smells is a prime determiner for creating and continuing a relationship.

And: the wif and i share many similar ideas about morality, correct behaviors, and a sense of humor that keeps us both laughing, that has kept us together for 34+ years.


Karma doesn't exist. Shitty things happen to shitty people when people powerful enough decide to do something about it... Look at all the nazi war criminals that escaped to south america as an example... soul mates... I think you can find someone who is aligned to you... however, I don't think that there is a singular person out there for whom this connection could exist.


Hmmm Karma, and interesting subject for the community here, they say every action has a reaction, and also Karma especially bad Karma is a bitch, i think and believe in Karma. Soul mates is a tougher subject. In many cases i just don't beileve it exits


i doubt the universe understands good/bad behaviour seems just another control tool albeit not as intense as heaven/hell and you get out what you put into a relationship

  1. Karma is self-inflicted.
  2. The existence of a soul-mate somewhere within Earth's population is a mathematical certainty.

I don’t believe in karma. I’ve had too many terrible relatives that went through life catching too many lucky breaks.

I do believe in soulmates. I do however also believe that not everyone is meant to find one. I believe some are supposed to walk alone getting only fleeting glimpses of love and happiness along the way.

PaulD Level 5 Aug 2, 2018

Karma is a bitch, believe in soulmates can be found more than once.

@jorj The more you are different from one person the more you are similar to another... My high school wingman was my soul mate we both got high... we were both communist, we fucked the same girls as a black and white sexual tag team... we even saved a gringo junkie's life when dying from an overdose. And it wasn't bromance we simply thought alike. I had a few women in my life that were my soulmates, we parted ways but stayed in contact, Denmark, Hawaii, DC, Puerto Rico.There's never been animosity and posibility of picking up where left off is there... it is the bonding, the connection, what happens between us in the same room, the chemistry. I am not asking for your permission or understanding... what happens between us you are irrelevant and unconsequential to it. Good Day!


#1 -- I wish, but no. #2 - No.


Don't be believe in either one.


I think that those things are silly religious fictions.


Neither are real.

Some people confuse karma with consequences. If karma is real explain how Kim Jong Il died of a heart attack on a train and not at the feet of some of the thousands of people who's lives he destroyed? The same argument people use for god gets used for karma.

Soul mates are the same, the odds of one soul out there just for you that you happen to run into out of 7+ billion people on the planet is unfortunately absurd.


Sure, I've seen 'Karma' at work, but what I've found is that it works just fine without the need for 'supernatural intervention'. In my experience, people who are rotten and nasty to others usually get what's coming to them precisely because they are just rotten, horrible people. So, if you are the kind that puts negativity out into the universe, negativity will surely (eventually) come back to you.

As for soul-mates, I just try and love everyone as best as I can. So far, my track record of being loved in return is not too good, so I know any answer I give would be either either disingenuous or jaded. I'd like to say that I hope it's true, or at least possible, but I'm not sure that I do anymore.

I like your thought on Karma. Thanks for the response.

  1. There's no evidence for it. Also it can easily be interpreted to justify suffering or success, which often comes down to luck. I find that kind of thinking repulsive.
Dietl Level 7 Aug 2, 2018
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