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During the overnight hours I listen to strong-signal 50000-watt AM radio stations like 770 WABC, New York; 890 WLS/720 WGN, Chicago; 760 WJR, Detroit; 650 WSM, Nashville; 1020 KDKA, Pittsburgh; 750 WSB, Atlanta; 1080 WTIC, Hartford; 1090 WBAL, Baltimore; 1110 WBT, Charlotte; 1190 WOWO, Ft.Wayne; 1140 WRVA, Richmond; 1170 WWVA, Wheeling; 1030 WBZ, Boston; 1040 WHO Des Moines; 830 WCCO, Minneapolis; 840 WHAS, Louisville; 700 WLW, Cincinnati. Been doing this hobby since the 1970's!

GregAndrews 5 Aug 2

Enjoy being online again!

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I used to do this when on the road or late at night. Atmospherics permitting I could pick up some interesting distant talk shows. The frustration came when it would fade away. I should have purchased a stronger receiver but found other avenues such as the internet.


I love the radio.. and have likely learned as much from it as any other source. What are you finding? My dad did ball games, I’d prefer politics.. But anymore, it’s podcasts πŸ™‚

Varn Level 8 Aug 2, 2018
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