During the overnight hours I listen to strong-signal 50000-watt AM radio stations like 770 WABC, New York; 890 WLS/720 WGN, Chicago; 760 WJR, Detroit; 650 WSM, Nashville; 1020 KDKA, Pittsburgh; 750 WSB, Atlanta; 1080 WTIC, Hartford; 1090 WBAL, Baltimore; 1110 WBT, Charlotte; 1190 WOWO, Ft.Wayne; 1140 WRVA, Richmond; 1170 WWVA, Wheeling; 1030 WBZ, Boston; 1040 WHO Des Moines; 830 WCCO, Minneapolis; 840 WHAS, Louisville; 700 WLW, Cincinnati. Been doing this hobby since the 1970's!
I used to do this when on the road or late at night. Atmospherics permitting I could pick up some interesting distant talk shows. The frustration came when it would fade away. I should have purchased a stronger receiver but found other avenues such as the internet.