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If God existed and, before sending you to Hell to suffer for eternity, he granted you a few words with him. What would you tell/ask him?

Lucignolo 6 Aug 4

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I’d say “Go to Hell, evil monster!”
He’d reply “I made you, I made Hell, I decide who goes there because I am all powerful and all knowing and also omnipresent!”
Me “If you are all of those things, would you have the power to create something you don’t know?”
God “No! Because I know everything!”
Me “ok, but then you aren’t all powerful, though”
God “Are you trying to piss me off? You are going to Hell, I’m not!”
Me “Wait! If you are omnipresent, aren’t you already in Hell also? And why are you sending me to Hell when it makes no sense to believe in you? You gave me a brain, I used it”
God “You go to Hell, because you didn't have faith and worship me, you also worked on Saturdays and mentioned me out of context”
Me “Those are the stupidest reasons I’ve ever heard for eternal damnation. I go to Hell because I’m not gullible?”
God “This session is over, Lucifer take him to Hell”
Me “Wait! I repent! I believe in you!”
God “Too late for that”
Me “Why? Why would 5 minutes make any difference?? I literally died 3 and a half minutes ago”
God “Those are MY rules”
Me “ Your rules are more childish than the ones I used in kindergarten to decide who’d be next on the swing”
God “I know... That’s part of my divine, misterious plan”
Me “I thought you were merciful”
God “Only if you believed against all reasons”
Me “I believed as a child until age 16. Why does only the moment of death count?”
God “Because I say so. But since I’m tired of you, fair enough: worship me, 1,000 paternosters, 2,000 wipps on the back and you can go to Purgatory”
Me “Thank you God, you are the best! Everything they say about you is false! I love you!”
God “Ahahah! Gotcha! Virgins, I tricked another one! My name is Allah! Sorry, wrong God! Take him to Hell!”

The end


you suck


WTF is wrong with you?!?!


Eternity is a really long time. Don't you think that's a little extreme? I mean I wasn't perfect but, I didn't let little kids get cancer. I would not have let millions die of famine or abuse either. Clearly our creator, however we choose to define creator, is not a sentient being in any way we would recognize from our relatively limited human life experience. So, no matter what exists beyond our known physical reality , the only responsibilities we have now is to each other and ourselves.

Actually he sounds like trumper


Why'd you make 350,000 different species of beetle? It seems a bit overly complicated. And what's up with all the billions of stars and black holes and pulsars and quasars and all that? Seems pretty wasteful.

And while we're at it, why bother with a terrestrial existence at all? Why bother creating souls, plunking them into a complicated terrestrial existence just to reclaim them after a while? Wouldn't it have been easier to just have a celestial existence? You have a whole "kingdom" that is "outside space and time"...


At that point, it's like trying to have a conversation with your executioner...

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