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My being a member of this group has led me to rethink my own position As an "atheist". Am I really? I am an antismoker. I am against many things, but i am not so much against religion per se as i am opposed to its abuse as a tool of exploitation.
Most primates probably have strange ideas, but As long As they are not being abused to harms others ...
Thoughts are free. Should there also be freedom of expression? most "enlightened" humans would probably answer in the affirmative. so people should be free to be "PASTAFARIENS" or VEGANOFARIANS", but they should not force their offspring not to eat rice.
So in conclusion I am not against silly religious ideas, but I am opposed to those who use religious justifications to take a knife to foreskins or clitorises or other organs.

PontifexMarximus 8 Aug 4

Enjoy being online again!

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I totally concur. Yet, also as a science guy I also like that the FSM spoke to a physicist to have its book written 🙂


Atheist someone who does not believe in the existence of a higher being anti-theist someone who is against religion

I certainly don't believe in deities or the opposition. Iamnotbotherbyotherpeople's beliefs however weird. But i am opposed to people annoying others with such beliefs.


Religion is like taking a knife to someones brain and circumcising the parts of it that ask why and what is my responsibility here and what should I do about this cuz when you have god-on your brain the answers are always - ' don't concern yourself , god will take care of it ' and so no thinking is required , no learning is involved , no actions to improve things are taken and the individual becomes ignorant and society degrades to Idiocracy !


then you are on the wrong site

Xena Level 6 Aug 4, 2018
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