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Drug problems around the world are growing hurting society on so many levels. Here is what one doctor has to say about it. Do you agree? If not, what do you propose as a solution?

How to cure 42,000 addicts: []

Injection sites are wrong:

We've become a nation of Wimps:

Earthling50 7 Aug 6

Enjoy being online again!

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China has had a solution that they have had for generations optimum dins! If you wanted to do it you went and were not permitted to leave as long as you wanted to continue.


never trust anything for whom the cure involves someones death or who just focuses on one thing ie addiction without looking for cause whether its for fun right through to self medicating to dull lifes pain


Link: Portugal decriminalized all drugs 14 years ago– and hardly anyone dies of an overdose. The country has 3 overdose deaths per million citizens, compared to the EU average of 17.3 []


The Interdiction on drugs, resulting in bigger, more aggressive law enforcement, the sheer weight of court cases, overcrowded prisons, etc etc etc is the problem. Stemming from our culture that thinks "someone" should be telling others how to live.
Most heroin addicts, for example, if given methadone, can lead full productive (tax-paying!) lives. So we pay to hunt them down and pay to imprison them for an addictive Disease. In less punitive countries, there is no "drug problem" as we know it!

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