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My Political Awakening


(If Obama was taped live kicking an elderly lady, I probably would have found a way to excuse his actions. I should be a bit more empathetic with Trump supporters; once you idolize a person, facts matter little.)

I have to admit, I also over looked Obama and made a mistake supporting him the 2nd term. I however didn't over look Sanders. He was my awakening from the 2 party crime family of political Musketeers.

William_Mary 8 Aug 6

Enjoy being online again!

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It's true. Obama was supposed to be an outsider, but as soon as he was inside, his loyalty to the country faded away. Not one crook from Wall Street went to jail. Zero. And yes, he greatly expanded the drone war. No word to the electorate why. He only grudgingly accepted gay rights after the fact.

Trump's record is horrific, but really, more of the same, except to roll back the few improvements Obama did make, more out of spite than policy.

I hate to break it to you, but the Deep State is very real and has a complete choke-hold on the planet, with the exception of Iran and North Korea. We are all dead meat; we just don't know it yet.

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