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Nancy Maclean is a Duke University professor of history. She was just on Bill Maher's last show & scared the hell out of me. "My country 'tis of thee. Sweet land of liberty. Of thee I sing."

Mooolah 8 Aug 6

Enjoy being online again!

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TODAY and thereafter:

  1. Donate to the ACLU, SPLC, or similar. The courts are our major bastion!
  2. Take 5 minutes & Program the contact info for your "represenratives" ( state & federal) into your devices so you can easily make your wishes known!
  3. Register, and VOTE! (And if registered, check your status either on-line or with a call to Town Hall Before Election Day!)

Will property values plummet if Democrats do not take the house and Senate?


She said the first target would be the 17th amendment. This wields too much state legislative power.


Yes, she scared me too. I knew the Koch's were dangerous but this is the first time I have actually been privy to their entire intent. I have purchased the book so I can scare myself some more. 😕

I may never sleep well again.

@Countrywoman IKR!


Everyone with any sanity, get out the vote!

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