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Stop me if you've heard this one : A woman went to every doctor in town trying to find a natural way to improve her bust. She ended up seeing this Chinese doctor, Dr. Woo, and he said "Velly easy. Stand straight hold your arms up. extend them sideways and back, then forewards and back saying, I must I must improve my bust" She thinks this guy's a bit loopy I'm outter here. Walking through the park on the way home she thinks, I'll just give this one try," I must I must improve my bust". This guy jumped out from behind a tree and says "You go to Dr. Woo" she says "Well yes I do" he says "I go there too" she says "You, what for" Standing on his left leg, and shaking his right says "hickory dickory dock"

billy11 5 Aug 7

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Ha, giggling at the mental image. By the way, we used that mantra when kneading bread dough. Worked.

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