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How are members feeling about all the memes and links on the site?

Asking for a friend. 🙂

RoadGoddess 7 Aug 8

Enjoy being online again!

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28 comments (26 - 28)

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I actually don't see to much of them really


No feeling whatsoever...


I have no problem with memes but, in my opinion, its unfortunate that we all don't think alike. What's viewed as funny and known to be not true by to one person is viewed as true to another. Even movies, comedies, and tv shows are the same which are scripts written just to entertain the viewer and not necessarily true. It's how the audience perceives the show using their life experiences as the reference point. Limited life experiences offers a limited knowledge to how to perceive what's being viewed as real or fake. A fine example is Religion, like religious shows, I know most of a show, if not all, is not real but a religious person believes that shit completely. If we were all educated the same with science, documentaries, true history without fiction, including religion, to include books, we might all understand each other better though we'd have not much of an imagination.

LOL ... So, does that mean whenever I tell a joke or throw out a lighthearted anecdote, I should cite my sources and authorities? 😛

@evidentialist no, I love jokes and memes, even sarcastic, raunchy, and stupid ones. It's the one's that don't literally understand what the joke/meme is or are insulted by its meaning that have issues with it. Some are more sensitive or serious. There are different levels of having a sense of humor. I do understand what's being suggested, it would be nice if we were more respectful with sarcastic jokes/memes but many people really don't care what other think or feel. A saying I learned in the military was "DILLIGAF", Do I Look Like I Give A Fuck. This is the way many people feel. Humanity is so diversified and not in sync with social correctness at this point and time. I'm not sure we ever will be. We throw insults around not caring who likes it or not because we taught ourselves to not give a shit of what others think or feel. We have alot of growing up to do. Hopefully we will evolve to something better.

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