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Who else here has raised their children atheist from the start?
Has anyone reverted to the default and raised them in your family or spouses religion and why?

AmiSue 8 Jan 14

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I was pressured to have my daughters baptized catholic and haven’t done anything since. I have always tried to have them surrounded by science and technology. Both scored high in math even when told that girls can’t do math.


I always allowed my kids to think for themselves. I'm agnostic and my ex/their dad is atheist, and none of them believes in a God. I invite them to come with me to Unitarian Universalist services because atheists, humanists and agnostics are welcome. Other than that, I haven't talked much about religion, except when answering their questions.


Mine (33 and 31) have always been atheists, though lots of exposure to religions, my ex plus all grandparents are christian.


Still doing it with some success.of course there is no dealing with their spouses families


I don't have kids myself. I am currently living with my sister who raised her kids with no religion, and her kids have thanked her many tiomes over for not subjecting them to religion.

Of course my sister and I were raised Mormon, so he kids see the contrast between our religious relatives and their own lives.


I've raised both daughters atheist. My ex'sfamily is Christian and he baptized her without my knowledge. Shebelievesin Wicca and New Age. My younger daughter is a non-believer in everything.


I never mentioned the word god to my daughter and it has never come up in conversation in the past 30 years.


I let my daughter think for herself.

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