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Frankly ... If one hasnt adopted personal principles and sound understandings of history , psychology , economics and social theory to guide them through life , then what one can do productively with the info that ' all manner of news and opinion ' gives them is nothing but worthless , emotion- driven chaos ! Here's some books that I would recommend for every american to read to build a bulletproof philisophy of life .
" The peoples history of the United States " by Howard Zinn .
" Progress and Poverty " by Henry George "
" The culture of make believe " by Derrick Jensen .
" Manufactured consent " by Noam Chomsky .
" Das Capital " by Karl Marx .
" Wealth of Nations " by Adam Smith .
" To hell on a day coach " by peter Lyon .
" The Bible " by a bunch of dumb-fucks !

Scottzillyun 6 Aug 8

Enjoy being online again!

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why does your list include no books written by women?

mine, off the top of my head, haphazard and incomplete, includes authors of both genders

the war against the jews -- lucy dawidowicz
every single book ever written by barbara tuchman, in no particular order -- just pick one up and when you're done reading it, read the next one
the seed and the sower -- laurens van der post
how to suppress women's writing -- joanna russ
the naked ape -- desmond morris
surely you're joking, mr. feynman --richard feynman
harpo speaks -- harpo marx (it's history. read it as history.)
i wish i could remember the title of the fabulous biography of lbj i read a few years ago. i read a couple of them and i don't remember the titles, but this one was a loooooong book, and just wonderful. it won't hurt you to read a couple too, but try to find a nice looooong one. it was a single book, not parts 1 and 2 or anything like that. that's the best i can do right now.
the jungle -- upton sinclair
the city -- lewis mumford
medieval cities -- henri pirenne
the periodic table -- primo levi



Anks for this some I will now read that i havent


Bullshit! ?

Coldo Level 8 Aug 9, 2018

I find it very interesting that the lot of people in the religious community find a whole lot of time to sit at church for an hour praising somebody that doesn't exist and give money to the church so that the preachers can have fun with their Altar Boys already yesterday in the news a preacher was caught with all kinds of child pronography on his computer and was trying to engage in sexual relations with a 14 year old boy and yet these people are supposed to be more moral than an atheist or a agnostic I think overall average IQ is higher in the agnostic in The Atheist than there is in the religious community


That's great Bible by the bunch of Dumbfuck!! Nottery belongs in fiction right under fantasy?


I know a lot of people who don't have time for any of that. They're too busy working their asses off to keep a roof over their heads, food in their kids' stomachs, and the electricity on.
They have no use for religion, or philosophy, or the pretentiousness of those
who think that just because they may be more well-read, they are somehow better than everyone else.
Some of us are entirely too busy just trying to make ends meet and keep our heads above water, to engage in much else.
Sure, it would be great to have the time to indulge in loftier pursuits, but that isn't always how life works.
There are plenty of really good people, with their own philosophies of life, gained simply through living it.
Intellectual snobbery doesn't serve anyone.

All I'm saying is that ' if it is the case that one is one of those ppl who havent pursued the life- training of the mind that is required for many important decisions in life and , we know when we are unqualified, that they should simply abstain from taking actions that should be reserved for the qualified ... actions like voting. , etc .
Just like a person who had no knowledge or training of how to fly a commercial jet SHOULD NOT attempt to fly one , especially if other ppl are on board .
Of course , everyone has the right to live in ignorance if they wish and theres no harm in that until they do pretend that they are as qualified without training as trained ppl are and act out that pretense in that way in matters that have consequences for other ppl .
Certainly it is difficult to become well-read , it is work ....not snobbery !
Certainly , some ppl are soooo burdened that they don't always have time to read and think , but this is usually temporary and if its not , then they really need to stop and think very hard about changing that ...or leaving ' civilization entirely cuz its killing them !
But, it does seem ironic , a lil , that one could have time to read Agnostic .c0m but not Howard Zinn , ha .
But , is it even true that significant numbers of ppl don't have time for self-educating or is it that they use that time that they do have pursuing other less adult - like pursuits like , facebook , twitter , Instagram , youtube , pirn , dating sites , mainstream media propaganda , tv , etc , etc .
Idk , but I lean heavily towards thinking that most ppl prefer to waste their time rather than pursue useful knowledge ?

@Scottzillyun I read your response earlier today, and I've had time to consider it, from a number of angles.
I have concluded without a doubt, and with no hesitation whatsoever,
that you are an intellectual snob. I stand by my original response to your post.
You think you are better than others who don't meet your intellectual requirements. You're as bad as any racist.
Shame on you.

@KKGator ...well , youre entitled to your opinion , even if ya have been ' too busy to think about it much and even though I do think this opinion you have here is worthlessly counter- productive towards the bettering of anything whatsoever .
Even if I could confess to some degree of intellectual snobbery I would still have to confess to preferring that over being someone with not enough passion for their own life or compassion
for all the horrendously , vile evils that are inflicted upon humanity, the planet, our fellow nonhuman earthlings , our posterity , simply due to the ignorance and incompetence of those of us who are so comfortable with their excuses for not trying harder to be an informed sovereign citizen that even countless , endless wars of murderous
wars of aggression, even disappearing rainforests, even the genetically modified degradation of food systems , even starving dying children in Yemen , even constant poverty in your own country , even growing trends toward fascism , even widening distribution of nuclear weapons , even threats of global climate catastrophies , even nuclear radiation polluting the ocean , even oil companies destroying the gulf of Mexico , even the death of electoral democracy , even a $21 trillion debt , even living in a police state ...None of all this and a million other shameful injustices can encourage you to discard your excuses and decide to educate yourself enough to become part of the solution of something .
I wonder , wtf do you care about ?
Shame on you .

I see your point, but I wouldn't want to live in a world that didn't place a high value on intellectual reading. I'm struggling right now myself, but I always find time to read - maybe something heavy like Hitchens or Dennett, or maybe something less taxing, like Slash's autobiography.
It's not conceit, I promise.


I talked about manufactured consent in my psych class last semester!

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