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Space, Time, and Matter. Are all one. Space is the field, time is the space between events, and matter is the substance of the events. You are all in 1. So do not look at space as outside of you, when you are composed of all 3.

Anubis83 3 Aug 9

Enjoy being online again!

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I am you and you are me and we are all together


And so are the father, the son, and the holy ghost...


"Space, Time, and Matter. Are all one."

According to whom?

According to those who are viewing Quantum theory from an alternate perspective. In reality, it takes time for the human body and mind to grow. The body is the physical aspect, or matter, the mind is also the creative space, and computer, for assimilation of experience. Which draws upon event's which dictates future possible realities. All in which is comprised of time. All events taking place at once, until your physical vehicle, has driven its course. I hope this assist you, in understanding the perception that is portrayed.

@Anubis83 On the contrary, it confuses me and sounds much like Deepak Chopra's 'woo-woo.' Energy is missing, by the way.


Time is only relevant to some observers and not necessarily a real dimension. And what to do about gravity, which may tie multiple universes together?

I view it as the force, which holds the universe in place. I personally need to do more studies with gravity. I also see it as elecromagnetic, seeing that the organic and inorganic life forms/matter, all have a variation of said electromagnetism. May I have your thoughts, on this topic? And thank you for input

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