6 3

Will trade this pest for three USB cords.

Anonbene 8 Aug 10

Enjoy being online again!

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She is kicking her big brothers asses here.


That pest wants pets

She has two big brothers and another dog that comes every day and stays all day playing eating and napping and if my girlfriend comes she brings two more.


Full disclosure. A lot of stuff in the laundry basket ends up in the yard. She eats the other boy dog's food and beats them up too. One is only 65 lbs and the other one is 100 lbs so...
You've been warned.


If I didn't already have 2, I'd throw in a phone...

She makes three and doesn't take, Sadie No! For an answer.

@Anonbene she's a cutie, that's for sure.


I’ll take you on that! The dog is much cuter than usb cables

Ohub Level 7 Aug 10, 2018
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