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Damn, I was doing so well for quite a while.
But today I had a couple of hallucinations.
I really hope this was just a one time thing.

But other than that I've been doing rather well. The depression only happens when I wake up, and unlike it was before when it would go on for most of the day, now it only lasts for about an hour.

My Bi-polar extreems are a lot less.
I'm not hearing voices any where near as much as I used to.I've actually been enjoying being alive (which is a big thing for me).

I went to one of my happy places, the beach, and watched the sunset. There were some clouds which is really cool because as thsun goes down the clouds change color.
I've seen them turn purple a few times.
I really need to get a camera, and post them.

I just hope the hallucinations take a back seat.

TristanNuvo 8 Aug 11

Enjoy being online again!

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((hugs)) hope the hallucinations leave you alone. Glad you can get to the beach to enjoy sunsets. Sounds nice

Thank you. 🙂
Other than my music, watching the sunset on the beach is my favorite thing to do.
It's so relaxing, and calm.

@TristanNuvo No beach near me or it would be my favorite thing too. I find my quiet space around a campfire at night watching fireflies and stars. Prefer the ocean - but have to save that for special occasions.


Sounds like you’re shifting gears in life, I read (and appreciated) your chef adventures.. I’d say gear down to a comfortable, sustainable level, and go from there. You’ve experience and talent, find your niche, and the help you need to level out. Glad you’re here, sunsets too 🙂

Varn Level 8 Aug 12, 2018

Absolutely one day or even one hour at a time. Maybe a med check, if you like your doctor?

Schizoaffective disorder is one of the hardest things to medicate because there are a lot of symptoms to tackle.
Hallucinations, Voices, depression, Bi-polar,anxiety, and a few other it's takes a bit to try and works best since it's a few medications that have to go together.

Not all medications work the same on every body, and some just don't work together.

It's been a ongoing thing for many years now from a few different Dr.'s. The psychiatrist I've been seeing for a while now is easilly the best I've ever worked with.
She really cares, in fact when we first me I was such a wreck that she almost baker acted me.

Usually, it goe's like, you see your DR, they give you meds, and then make an appointment for three months later. That's a long time to go if something isn't working.
My psychiatrist I have now was really concerned, so rather than the three month thing, she had me see her every two weeks. That worked great, we tried different meds, sometimes different doses.

The combo I'm on now seems to be the best I've ever tried.
But no matter how good meds are, they don't fix you 100%, but the help a lot.


One day at a time, that's the way I've had to look at it. I do the best I can and try to find the good in each day. That's what your post inspires in me. "Enjoying being alive" -- big thing for me, too. And seeing the beauty in something simple like the changing colors in the sky. Wonderful.

I try to do the same. part of my therapy is trying to be around other people that I don't know.
But working with my therapist, We've worked out a great plan, and btw, it does work like you said "One day at a time". rather than rushing into things, we've worket out some coping skills that after some practice have been a positive effect on me.

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