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Anyone else here having difficult problems dealing with elderly parents

Babyseal 6 Jan 15

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My mother passed 26yrs ago. Step-father found her on the floor of their house. Apparently she got out of bed and dropped dead from a heart attack before she even hit the floor. My father recently passed from multiple cancers. Step-mother banned his children from even visiting him preferring her "good Christian" friends that will pray for his recovery instead (she essentially told us that). After he died she wanted all four kids to sign a paper stating that we were horrible children and hated our father; then she would drop the lawsuit keeping us from probating the will. We all refused; will got probated anyway because it was determined that she was not in it due to the prenup they signed.

I had no problem dealing with difficult parents; my problems was after death. Hopefully with all the payable on deaths that I've signed my children will have an easier time.


Both my parents are dead; my mother died in long term care due to complications from uncontrolled diabetes at the time she also had advanced dementia due to multiple TIA's. My brother and I cared for my aging father in his home. He had physical problems of aging but remained fully cognitive up until the last few days of his life and died in hospital. I hope that I can live and die as well as he did, even today I look to him as an example of a life well lived.

Currently I help with the care of my mother in law who is also in long term care and has Alzheimer's, I spend at least a couple of hours twice a week visiting with her and the other residents. Yesterday we put on a birthday party for her 91 birthday with cake, ice cream and live music for everybody there including staff it was fun.


Father died recently overseas but was able to visit him shortly before he passed. My mother is getting nuttier by the year. Parents ended their toxic relationship when I was 13. Mother never dealt with childhood trauma and is stuck emotionally in her teens. Won't face her infirmities and won't tell others the truth either. She has driven everyone away except for me, her brother and one cousin. Hard to admit that your mother is toxic. I'm in Minnesota and she's in Oklahoma so not looking forward to getting her into assisted living. Hope your situation is better than mine.


Not really-All I have left is my 90 yr old mother in sunny warm Florida who has stayed in her house-Father died 3 years ago. Still drives and has social life.


My stepfather has dementia and struggles in all the ways that implies. My mother makes a catastrophe of every bit of it. He is scared and needs comfort at times. She is a drama queen and needs this to be about her. My siblings and I try to give him the attention and comfort he needs and talk my mother off of every ledge that she climbs on and screams from... ugh... it is challenging


Had them. Alzheimer's and Chronic Heart Failure were my issues with Mom and Dad. It was tough. Hang in there.

jeffy Level 7 Jan 15, 2018
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