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A Christian community group is calling for a bus company to change the name and number of one of their services.The bus is number 666 to a place called Hel. It seems to be a serious news story from Metro News. I've no idea how to call them on it.

Sandster 7 Aug 12

Enjoy being online again!

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Like,wow, that’s, yawn, from the comics page!!


There is a member on here from Hell USA.
My friend got backdated sick pay for paranoid schizophrenia and them if they could change the amount on the cheque from Β£666


So in Poland you can take public transportation to hell? Cool. Nice of them. Too bad it's not near Fucking, Austria.


Sorry I should have added that this is in Poland. It is a real place and I will ask my Polish flatmate if he's heard about this when I next see him.

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