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You don't know the truth.

A little history lesson. We all know about the great depression. Most think it was just an American thing. Nope. I was a global depression. Now with this being said let me explain the chain of events we have and are still witnessing. So the world governments are moving to a one world government. This has already been attempted and failed. It all started with the United States taking the lead. To create a new government, the existing government must be abolished. Of course no government wants that. So how do we do this? Throw the whole planet into turmoil. And how do you do that? Crash the world economy. This is what the U.S. did with the help of other countries. It was today's equivalent to the United Nations. So now the economy has crashed and the world is in turmoil. Great! So now what's next. Let's start a World War. Enter Adolf Hitler and the Nazis. And of course Japan as well. The Emperor of Japan is in on all this too. Every story needs a bad guy or two. Hitler and the Emperor were more than happy to oblige. So they start reaching out to their neighbors, knocking on their doors asking for donations for their cause. Thus the start of WWII.
So the rest of the world is at war now and the U.S. is just sitting back and egging them on. Yeah, we give a little support to England (the liberty ships) and to China. (The Flying Tigers) But we just wait for the right time to toss our hat in the ring. Then, Pearl Harbor. The government knew it was coming. But they needed something so horrific that the American people would back the government hands down. No questions asked. Lets go kick some ass. So the U.S. entered the war. We joined the Allied Nations. Now known as the United Nations. So now the U.S. is some big weapon making machine.( The war machine) Tanks, guns planes, ships, bombs and so much else, too much to list. Everyone is on board and we are kicking some ass. But while all this is going on, we fail to realize that this is also population control. Just a side note. So finally we, (the Allies) are about to make our move on Berlin. Was supposed to be England and the U.S. taking it. But the black sheep of this little family, ( Stalin) decides to run in there and grab it for him self. Fucked everything up. Then the Berlin wall and communism and that whole cold war happened. Well... so much for one world government. But it's a good idea. Maybe we should try it again. Yeah. Lets do it. But this time we will do it slooollyy. Heat up the water slooollyy. So they don't notice. Keep them distracted with this new mind control invention. It's called television. We will make sure everyone in America has at least one. America first. Then the whole world. (Que the Dr.Evil laugh)
So here we are again folks. Same scenario. Crash the world economy, evil bad guys ( Saddam Hussein Al-Qaeda and such) Twin towers, 9/11. It's the war on Terror. But now the world is better groomed for us to try this again. The Sheep... Excuse me. The people won't know what has happened until it's too late. They won't be able to do anything about it but complain. (Protest) So what. Makes for good news.

Call me a conspiracy theorist. But know your history. Know people with money and power. Are you in the know? Maybe just a bit more now.

Spag84 6 Aug 13

Enjoy being online again!

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This reminds me of something famous psychiatrist Fritz Perls once said ... if one person calls you an elephant go ahead and give them an ear full BUT if a group calls you an elephant, its time to buy a bag of peanuts 🙂

Point is that when we share ideas we bounce off each other and the feed back we get is sometimes very good information that we shouldn't ignore.

Just because it's not mainstream line of thought. What we have been programmed to think don't mean it's wrong.


Okay, you're just a conspiracy theorist..............................

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