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This is a great article about how shallow, transactional and a commodity friendships can be in this day and age. My only qualm with this is that I feel that it gives me the wrong impression, that even though your friend might be a toxic fuck up, you should still be loyal to them. What if you have a friend like me with mental illness so severe that she refuses to change out of fear, and she's nothing but dead weight, do you remain friends?

Stepmomofdragons 7 Aug 15

Enjoy being online again!

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I disagree with the article. False loyalty can keep needy, toxic, abusive friends and relatives in your life, when it would be better to cut them off. Some people are better loved at a distance.

I believed that loyalty stuff, mostly because of the religious belief that I should "love and forgive." I didn't wake up until the 2016 election when my childhood white evangelical friends began posting hate memes against minorities and the LGBTQ community, and praising Trump.

I began defriending and blocking them and soon found that many relatives and most of my siblings were also white supremacist Trumpites, so I cut them off also.
I should have done it decades ago, as they've been passive aggressive abusers all along.

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