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Pondering, wondering, speculating etc. on the nature of an idea as an object. thoughts? recommended reading?

hankster 9 Jan 15

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Is this about ontology?


So... intellectual property in its non-tangible state?

Izzie Level 2 Jan 16, 2018

the story the words tell. felt in the heart but not the fingers.


Ontologically speaking, ideas have the same status as numbers. They’re reflected in nature as relations, but do they exist? I’m not so sure. I tend to think they’re mental constructs designed to filter sensation. Still, they have some status in the mind.

i don't see how they can't exist. grandma doesn't reinvent the pie every time she makes one. I'm thinking thoughts and ideas are a larger part/influence of this universe than science is prepared to deal with.

Still they’re there. They have some status. They maybe dependent upon biology, but they’re still there. @hankster

@hankster hey! I make pies! Damn tasty ones!

You may make tasty pies but you don’t make pie or pi. @AnneWimsey

@AnneWimsey pecan? a good pie maker is a treasure.

@hankster pecan is Good, pear/sour cream/raisin is better


Do you mean like a curse or a blessing? Both ideas, both supposed to have power in may faiths....

a recipe for example.

not the words on the paper, but the idea that they record.

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