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I've been using the dating app/sites. A curious phrase is used with some frequency that disturbs me every time. Gals write that they are looking for a man with "Christian values". (What?)
My question is, what is so unique to Christianity that one can categorize it as a distinct value?

johnnyfdny 5 Oct 15

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Figuring out (and writing down) what your values actually are is an instructive exercise. It's important to note where believers and infidels share common values (love, honesty, Do No Harm) and where they differ (OK to eat meat on Friday; no belief without proof).
Few people do this. That's why "religious values" are more like obedience and less like thoughtful decision-making.
It is very important to understand Plato's Euthyphro Dilemma (the argument surely antedates Plato): virtue does not come from religion. If goodness is what the gods like, do the gods like it because it is good? or is it good because the gods like it? If the former, the gods are irrelevant. If the latter, then there's the impossible problem of finding out and agreeing on what the gods like, and the gods could like anything, including things like honor killings, slavery, death, Hell, etc.


It comes down to im a christian so i'd prefer my SO to be one too


In a way it is insulting. It makes the assumption that if you are not Christian, your values are sub standard or you have none at all. This is one of those sound bite for the brain dead things Christians say. It ignores the misdeeds of so many in the Christian world. Evangelicals especially are prone to these mindless statements.


I can't think of any one noteworthy thing that makes them unique. There's a wide swath of Christian religions which have their own definitions and, of course, they all think they have the correct definition. I'm pretty sure there are requests for a man with good Muslim values or good Jewish values, etc., so perhaps they just mean how they practice their faith.

So I think they're using the word "values" correctly as a reference of "a person's principles or standards of behavior; one's judgment of what is important in life."


Some people believe that Christians are morally superior to other groups of people. I've read the Bible cover to cover a few times and like some of its teachings. In my mid-twenties I met some Christians and thought highly of most of them. But I like the saying "don't be a Christian; be Christ-like". Jesus himself is a good role model but one should not regard Christians as role models. Once a well-respected Christian friend told me that I wouldn't know what true friendship was until I knew some Christian friends. But all my best friends I would walk the fire for and vice versa were secular. You don't need to be a Christian to learn morals and values and to know what true love and friendship are 🙂


Well that depends on her definition of "Christian values" are. Are they the values taught in the bible or are they the values taught be the Republicans and born again.


Perhaps they have no idea that those"Christian values" include being mysoginistic, controlling, and entitled.


They are looking for someone to control them to which they can submit to as head of the household and their master.


They're communicating that they want someone who will ever be faithful, treat them respectfully and put them as your priority attaching those values to what they perceive as christian.

SamL Level 7 Oct 16, 2017

I think it's very basic. A lot of Christians seem to think that only Christians really have morals and values. I mean, that's the kind of reaction I get when I point out that these things aren't exclusive to Christians. Even if it's something basic... like don't kill people. Because it doesn't originate from their god. Some of them honestly can't fathom a non-believer having values, much less values similar to their own. I suppose that goes back to their indoctrination.


I find it "amusing". What do Trump, Hitler, the Pope, sadistic Mother Teresa, Cheney, Jeffery Dahmer, Pat Robertson, the KKK,Timothy McVeigh, David Duke, those who participated in the witch hunts and the Inquisition, Ted Haggard, Martin Luther King, and Mel Gibson all have in common? All call themselves Christian. So I have to conclude that a Christian can be a good person or a not so good person, but in every case, is a person who picks and chooses aspects of Christianity to fit their own agenda, rejecting what they personally find objectionable. Their god and Christianity is created in each individual's image. That makes the term useless and a poor indicator concerning the empathy and the charity of the person.


I have to say that it is a confusing thing to say since it seems different Christians interpret and practice different things in different ways. So it doesn't seem like it is a definable thing. Maybe to one person it means no sex before marriage but to another means attend church services regularly. To me I just hear... I need a guy to take care of me because I am just a worthless female and in order to worship this biblical god I have to go it through a guy.

DeiP Level 5 Oct 16, 2017
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