After three months of suffering, my sickness was diagnosed correctly.
I had gone to my doctor, she ordered cat scan, Mri and audio tests. She never took x rays.
So, yesterday I ended up in the ER with BP 220/120. Severe chest pain.
They did x-rays and found I have had pnenomia.
So, they prescribed only four antibiotics.
I called my doctor and they said that wasn't going to do anything.
This is the second time my meds were wrong after going to the ER. Same hospital two for two.
Aberdeen General Hospital.
I looked at your profile and saw Aberdeen General Hospital and got worried that this had happened in Scotland ! Sorry about your illness but I am relieved it all happened across the pond! As much as we complain about the NHS I am sure there’s no GP in the UK who would not send you for an X-ray in presenting with the symptoms of pneumonia. The symptoms alone would have had a GP prescribing an antibiotic before the X-ray because any lung infection is treated immediately with one. If the doctor was concerned enough they may have sent you straight to hospital after listening to your breathing by stethoscope, and if it was confirmed at hospital that it was pneumonia you should have been put on an antibiotic drip. This is medical negligence in my opinion and 4 antibiotic tablets are worse than taking none at all for clearing an infection, I am not a doctor but have medics in the family, also have a close friend who has had pneumonia several times.
I was trying to follow your story. They did a CT and MRI? There would be no need for a CXR. The other exams are superior. When you mentioned you were prescribed only four antibiotics, that’s not a correct statement. You were given a full course of one kind of antibiotics. Most likely azithromycin( broad spectrum antibiotic and prescribed all the time for pneumonia). Your own doctors opinion that it wasn’t his first choice of antibiotic is just that.. his opinion. He is free to switch it. It happens all the time. It doesn’t mean that there was an error.
I avoid western doctors and hospitals..very dangerous, since they're mostly out to make a profit ahead of helping you.
Link: Medical errors are the third-leading cause of death in America, right after heart disease and cancer []
@Bendog That's why the American medical society works so hard to keep useful herbs illegal, and only allow toxic, synthetic drugs they can patent.
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