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Have you heard the term, "toxic masculinity"?

Bendog 7 Aug 18

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I have, and it seems really over used to me


If I have.. I don’t recall, but I’d know it when I see it.

Varn Level 8 Aug 18, 2018

Yes, but what I haven't heard about is toxic femininity.


No, care to share what it means?

@Bendog Okay, certainly there are some men who display this trait as many women will testify....I think the more subtle psychological abuse is worse. There is no outward sign of abuse, no physical scars to show as evidence. I realise you are talking about Western societies, and I think we have to be concerned with the spread of Islam into our western cultures too. The misogyny practised by religions on women doesn’t in the main come as physical domination but in the control over their minds manifested particularly on Muslim women who feel they are supposed to be covered up lest they provoke and inflame male passions. That is what I call really toxic masculinity. What is considered to be the cause of this more physical “toxic masculinity” ? Are there studies?

@Bendog "Domination" isn't always physical. Far too often, it's verbal assaults which have the same effect--removing all hope/damaging self-esteem/instilling fear. In some cases, that's worse than actually hitting someone. Testosterone can be a terrible substance!

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