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Is 9/11 the worst cover-up in mankinds history.

I have adapted entrust in myself as a strong individualism, first. Not be a patriot, pretending to act for the greater good. Like this one CIA man, who confessed on his death bed. Setting up controled demolitions on building 7. He was disappointed when it looked too much like a controled demolition on TV.

On the 9/11 crime scene, they had Bush and Rumsfeld working on the 9/11 commission for investigations. Like a fox who guards the henhouse, their final conclusion in one day,... Bin Laden did it. It was not about the hidden 8.5 trillion dallors investigation on them,, oh no no no....

Bin Laden had to be a super intelligent to out smart 3 Presidents attempting to kill him, and the largest air military on his back. Who other than the intelligence of Allah miracle would think of box cutters as a weapon of mass destruction. Who needs a stinking think tank?

No thick steel skyscraper has never been destroyed by a plane in mankind history or by fire. Let alone, 2 plastic nose, aluminum frame planes that totally destroyed 3 massive steel concrete skyscrapers. It had to be a miracle from God.

Demolition companies would find it much cheaper driving an old plane into all their buildings for a perfect controlled domolition result everytime.

The US soldier who shot Bin laden, he claims he was very afraid, even for a fearless leader. They dumped his body into the sea, without questions. Worst investigation idea ever, when your claiming the worst crimes against Humanity. They won't they even allow photos of Bin Laden to be shown.
Sounds really fishy to me from beginning to no end.

Castlepaloma 8 Aug 18

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I think carefully placed explosives brought the towers down...not the drones that hit them. Also, the plane “crash” in Pa left very little debris at the site, but a five mile long debris field followed it. I think the plane was shot down.


I never imagined how agnostics could be so stupid. I always thought it took some sort of intelligence to question the reality of god, but I am mistaken. I am not referring to you as stupid, I am referring to the idiots who responded to you. For the record, in some states, simple pipe bombs are now classified as weapons of mass destruction. It's insane, but you are not.


What evidence do you have to support your suppositions?
What is your knowledge of velocity and kinetic energy?
My Dad thought the same way as you, he even thought there was a little man inside his TV signal converter box that spied on him. Not to mention the people he said were living in his attic that would come down when he was gone.

lets just say

Like your white Afro.

Age 4, I questioned Noah Arc and live musician playing on the radio. Age 8, threw away my army men toys, knew killing was the worst wrong. Where US presidents supposed to be most intelligent yet never grew up because they kill millions of women and children and take no responsibility for it.

I think of myself as a bio -organism first. As far as raw natural energy, I have insight of velocity and kinetic energy from being a world class athletes and sculptor. Thermodynamics Architecture
Engineering. Started as an 3D animator, then brick mason, then built 3 self substainable ego villages totally off grid. Using Geothermal energy for heating and cooling. Use solar energy for home and workshop. Harvest water, for greenhouse food, Xeriscaping landscape, gardening, and grey water system.

Plus build for top movie makers, costumes, museum and theme parks. Tell me what I can't figure out?
Hired over a 1000 people, many smarter than me.

@Castlepaloma The aircraft that struck the South Tower imparted 3658 mj (or 2.698 billion ft/lb) of energy.
The North Tower: 2540 mj (1.873 billion ft/lb)
A modern M1A1 with the 120 mm M829A3 main gun sabot round provides 12.1 mj of energy, more than enough to penetrate 21 inches of RHA steel armor at 2000 meters (from Jane's Information Group, Better known as Jane's).
The exterior of the towers aluminum skin were probably ~10 mm with the steel shell of the beams about the same thickness.
The South Tower aircraft stuck with a force of 302 M1A1 sabot rounds.
With these numbers in mind even if the aircraft flattened on impact ( which it didn't), are you going to say the Tower would shrug that off? Ain't no way.
This is the beauty of math, numbers don't lie. Feel free to crunch them yourself, and stop believing the Earth is flat as well.
You never did state your evidence.

I'm sure this Jane's theory has never been tested in real life because no incident have happened in history.

Numbers don't lie, just following the money of 8. 5 trillion dollars most benefits banks and military unlimited budgets years afterwards . Then puzzled all that together with the world's greatest dangerous liars, Rumsfeld and Bush.

I built life-size dinosaurs using aluminum and steel. Have you ever seen a wrecking yard of jet plane being tore apart like paper, never steel, steel might bend, not come apart easily.

The wings penetrate the concrete and 14 inch steel and slide into the World Trade Center like a knife through butter. Imagine a aluminum hammer and aluminum nail trying to pound through heavy steel with no hesitation. Then its not even a sharp point, but 75' wide span, it's totally impossible.

It's known that these planes are made from aluminum. So do the math, aluminum Vs. Concrete steel framed sky scraper.
Who wins?
A pancake demolition afterwards makes sense and many heard the Multiple explosions and recorded.
Give physical logic and evidence a chance.

Then then the pentagon probably didn't differ much neither. When the plane hit the Pentagon and continues to hit the floor, ceiling, columns and interior walls, all at high speeds at the same time. It took an aluminum plastic nose plane to hit a18' reinforced concrete wall. Even if I hit it several times, like a battling Ram at high speeds, it would turn into dust.

If I took the biggest redwood tree trunk then rammed it into the Pentagon several times, then my veteran artist would not laugh at me, as it has been proven in history books.

@Castlepaloma You sir, spin things to make sense to yourself. Educate yourself.
You have no idea how velocity increases kinetic energy.
I'll help you with that.
KE = 0.5 • m • [velocity squared]: (where m = mass of object) (v = speed of object)

You offer no proof nor try to validate your conspiracy.
You are living proof that a conspiracy needs no proof, conspiracy=paranoia.
I think you need professional help, seriously.

Once in a wail I question if I have a screw loose being a sculptor for 44 years. The ones who don't ask if they are crazy are the ones in real deep trouble.

If your living in your Mom's basement with cats and meaning less numbers in a vacuum, without smelling reality, you might be that guy.

Henry Ford hires engineers to help work out his puzzle plans. I do the same with 25 different sculptural world records broken in scale of different materials with proof.

If your smart enough to figure out there is no God. Go to the next level and figure out Nationaism is more dangerous than Religion, quote by Richard Dawkins.


uh huh


No kidding. But people who get too curious about the US government's official lines tend to have short lifespans.

Many celebrities that normally speck up, do fear for their careers and life when speaking about 9/11 or Zionist.

True..I am thinking that some day I will open my front door and be kidmapped by men in Black.

I would not go that far, no proof if any Aliens have landed on earth. I don't count the illegal Mexican aliens.

I don't count out helicopter hovering over. Then troops crashing through my roof. Then cable down into my living room to shoot my dog. Then blame it on killer weed then haul me off to a Walmart fema camp, then inject me with a chip.


I have been researching this subject and am in agreement with you. Bush even let it slip in a speech ....made sure no one was on the top floors...what crap. Also I just love the fake pictures of the planes going in. Drones covered by structures looking like planes. Did you see the plane slip right through the building without crashing? There has to be a reason to go to war.

Normally a plastic, aluminum plane would have hit that steel grit and fall off like a bug on a windshield. See that plane's outline reminds of the cartoon coyote hitting the ground.

Having worked in many material in sculpture. I would have used a flying saucer with diamonds blade teeth to get through that thick of steel and that big.

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