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Something I've noticed for years are the sad and pathetic events that pass for miracles now. Reading through the bible one can't help but notice the scale of the miracles credited to god. You've got global floods, parting seas, cities razed to the ground, plagues on demand, the whole wrath of god concept is played out to maximum effect, that effect being to awe and humble mankind in the face of god's might.

What passes for a miracle these days: the image of Jesus on toast, or on a taco, or in the markings on the side of a cow, or winning the big game, or just some trivial personal triumph or stroke of luck. There is a precipitous decline in the quality of god's work here.

So what happened?

What changed god from those loud, highly extroverted displays of power to something as lame as the suggestion of his kid's face on a pancake? In these wicked times one would think god would be even more pissed off at his creation for having continued to fall from grace in the same way ancient man had. Clearly nothing was learned and Man is as sinful and wicked as he's ever been yet god remains uncharacteristically silent.

Too silent.

One doesn't go from being the earth shaking, fire raising, water parting, plague throwing, first-born taking omnipotent madman from on high in the bible to the toast burning, Bowl game winning, $500 lottery ticket buying klunker we have now. You'd have to be medicated on a Thorazine drip to mellow out that much, particularly if you wield infinite cosmic power. There can only be one reasonable explanation; none of it actually happened.

No god at all is a reasonable inference to draw from the overwhelming lack of activity over the last two thousand years. But I'm a reasonable guy so I'll give god a fair chance based on the revised terms of his miracles. If god is real, all he has to do to convince me is to burn the image of ANYONE onto my next batch of toast.

Anyone at all: Katie Couric, Ryan Seacrest, Ben Stein, Lady GaGa, The Bee Gees, Jon Voigt, Terry Bradshaw, Charles Dickens, Roberta Flack, Queen Victoria, JoJo the Dog Faced Boy, the fat guy who played Boss Hogg in The Dukes of Hazzard, Alexander Graham Bell, Thomas Jefferson, Michelangelo, Emporer Hadrian, hell, it could be Kermit the Frog for all I care. As long as it's a recognizable image, I'll concede I've been wrong and embrace the existence of god, I mean, God.

So the ball's in god's court.

I'm going to go make some toast.

- Sgt. Spanky
Drop and give me 20

Sgt_Spanky 8 Aug 19

Enjoy being online again!

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1 do know the Bible is only a poor copy of the Sumerian texts, Christianity is a big lie, and any miracles that happen are from US, right?

Um, I would have thought it was clear from the content of my post that I'm laughing at the concept of miracles as ridiculous and not to be taken seriously. Why else would I challenge "god" to burn an image of Kermit he Frog on my breakfast as proof of his existence?

@Sgt_Spanky I'm just wondering why you're bothering. It's like raging at Santa Claus to come out and prove his existence.

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